
Bury Court Farnham Wedding • Natasha and Carlton

As a wedding photographer, capturing the essence of love amid unpredictable weather is both a challenge and a delight. Natasha and Carlton's wedding at Bury Court in Farnham was an extraordinary dance with the elements, weaving together moments of sunshine, torrential downpours, and enduring love.

From the moment I arrived at Bury Court, the weather played a whimsical game. Bright sunshine quickly gave way to torrential downpours that seemed determined to dance with the couple throughout the day. It was a testament to Natasha and Carlton's love that remained steadfast despite the unpredictable elements.

The ceremony, held against the backdrop of Bury Court's timeless beauty, was filled with touching moments. The rain added a poetic touch, falling gently as if nature itself was blessing this union. Surrounded by loved ones, Natasha and Carlton exchanged vows, creating a memory that would endure the test of time.

The rain paused just long enough to grant us a window for confetti shots and group photos. Natasha and Carlton, along with their guests, embraced the opportunity, creating snapshots of joy against the dramatic backdrop of the ever-changing sky. We seized the moment to capture the love that surrounded them.

Natasha, a true legend, opted for the unconventional. She welcomed the rain, understanding that a bit of dirt on her dress was a small price to pay for capturing shots that told their unique love story. We ventured out for couple photos, the raindrops adding a dreamy quality to the images, making them truly one-of-a-kind.

The weather continued its unpredictable dance during the meal, with rain and sunshine battling for dominance. Undeterred, we seized the moments between showers to capture more enchanting images. The changing weather only added to the charm, creating a dynamic backdrop for the celebration.

With my time at the wedding limited, I focused on capturing candid moments of the guests. The joy, laughter, and genuine emotions that unfolded became the fabric of the visual story. Every image spoke of the warmth and love that filled Bury Court that day.

As the day came to a close, I navigated my way home through torrents of rain. The dance with the elements had come to an end, leaving behind a collection of images that told the story of Natasha and Carlton's resilient love, a love that weathered storms, both literal and metaphorical.